Naming Opportunities for Alumni Endowment Fund
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Alumni participation in giving, at any level, is greatly appreciated by everyone at HKUST, and especially by the students who benefit from your generosity the most. In appreciation of your support, the University recognizes your contributions through the following naming opportunities in accordance with the accumulated donations.

Seat at Citi Lecture Theater (LTA)

Accumulated Donations of HK$10,000 or above

Donor will be acknowledged with the naming right of one of the seats in Citi Lecture Theater (LTA). A commemorative plaque* bearing your name or name of your family member/friend will be attached to the back of the seat.

Desk at Library Chevalier Learning Commons

Accumulated Donations of HK$50,000 or above

A desk at Chevalier Learning Commons, a multi-functional student facility located on LG1 of the Library, will be named after you or your family member/friend. There will be a commemorative plaque* bearing a name designated by you, attached to the desk. This 1800m2

user-friendly learning hub includes E-learning Labs, Media Production Spaces, Refreshment Space as well as Collaborative Work and Discussion/Consultation Spaces.
name badge
Tree at the Walkway near the Lo Ka Chung University Center

Accumulated Donations of HK$100,000 or above

Your generous support helps nourish the university lives of our students on a sustainable basis. The donor will be entitled to name a tree with a commemorate plaque* at the walkway near the Lo Ka Chung University Center, creating a greenery and relaxing corner on the campus by the sea.


Accumulated Donations of HK$1,000,000 or above

We will offer naming opportunities for various facilities of the University in accordance with the donation amount. You are welcome to contact us via for further details.


*You could engrave your name or name of your relative/friend on the plaque:

In English - Within 40 alphabets, including spacing and punctuation marks
In Chinese - Within 20 words, including spacing and punctuation marks