Diploma and Transcript
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Apply online for certificate, transcript, or award certification letter, etc. by using your alumni account.


Apply Online

*If you want to get a Proof of English as Medium of Instruction, please email: registry@ust.hk or call (852) 2623 1111 for details. 

*If you have lost your diploma, please contact the Academic Registry at argraduation@ust.hk.


Please find the below contacts to enquire for further information. 


SBM     (852)3469 3171  ARgradSBM@ust.hk
SENG   (852)3469 3175  ARgradSENG@ust.hk
SSCI     (852)3469 3173  ARgardSSCI@ust.hk
SHSS    (852)3469 3173  ARgradSHSS@ust.hk
AIS/JS   (852)3469 3173  ARgradAIS@ust.hk


Email: artranscript@ust.hk 
Tel: (852) 2623 1115


Verification of Academic Qualifications (for external party)

Email: ar.verify@ust.hk