Breadcrumb Home Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs Profiles If You Have A Dream Make It Real! Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Terry Tsang Founder and CEO, HKUST Convocation Member Mad Head Limited Chairman, HKUST Council Lydia Leung CEO Belun Technology Langston Suen Founder and Chief Executive Offier Opharmic Technology Bianca Ho Co-Founder and COO Wati Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Terry Tsang Founder and CEO, HKUST Convocation Member Mad Head Limited Chairman, HKUST Council Lydia Leung CEO Belun Technology Langston Suen Founder and Chief Executive Offier Opharmic Technology Bianca Ho Co-Founder and COO Wati Get Inspired by Our Successful Alumni Entrepreneurs AllProfessions Professions AllSchool of ScienceSchool of EngineeringSchool of Business & ManagementSchool of Humanities & Social ScienceAcademy of Interdisciplinary StudiesJoint SchoolsFok Ying Tung Graduate SchoolFunction HubInformation HubSociety HubSystems Hub School Publish Year Alvin Lam Managing Partner T12M Ventures Ltd. Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Samson Yu Managing Partner Kangxin Partners, P.C. Kent Hau Founder HK JEBN Limited (樓上) Terry Tsang Founder and CEO, HKUST Convocation Member Mad Head Limited Chairman, HKUST Council Rudi Leung Director & CEO Hungry Digital Terence Tsang Founder and Chief Technology Officer Mad Head Limited Tony Wong Co-founder & CEO SHOPLINE Dorothy Chau Founder and CEO Pretti 5 Jia Xiaodong and Zhan Peixun Co-Founder; Non-Executive Director Gala Technology Langston Suen Founder and Chief Executive Offier Opharmic Technology Alex Leung Turned-E! Education Limited Load More