Breadcrumb Home Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs Profiles If You Have A Dream Make It Real! Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Terry Tsang Founder and CEO, HKUST Convocation Member Mad Head Limited Chairman, HKUST Council Lydia Leung CEO Belun Technology Langston Suen Founder and Chief Executive Offier Opharmic Technology Bianca Ho Co-Founder and COO Wati Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Terry Tsang Founder and CEO, HKUST Convocation Member Mad Head Limited Chairman, HKUST Council Lydia Leung CEO Belun Technology Langston Suen Founder and Chief Executive Offier Opharmic Technology Bianca Ho Co-Founder and COO Wati Get Inspired by Our Successful Alumni Entrepreneurs AllProfessions Professions AllSchool of ScienceSchool of EngineeringSchool of Business & ManagementSchool of Humanities & Social ScienceAcademy of Interdisciplinary StudiesJoint SchoolsFok Ying Tung Graduate SchoolFunction HubInformation HubSociety HubSystems Hub School Publish Year Franz Wu Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Yoho Group Florence Chan AI Guided Andy Ng Co-Founder and CEO Tutor Circle Ricky Chan and Peter Yau Co-Founders Xoxo Beverages Alexandru Tilita Co-Founder and CEO 3DK Tech Limited Mark Mak Co-Founder Roborn Technology Eddy Wu Founder, CEO Arctic Vision Woody Tong Co-Founder & CEO CoDeco (好師傅) Gesche Haas Founder Dreamers // Doers Albert Au Founder AcesoBee Roy Law Co-Founder & CEO; Founder & President; Founder; Managing Partner; Chairman ETeamNote; AppTask; ZeroZone; AT Group Ventures; WTIA ( 2018-2020 Derrick Pang Chief Executive Officer Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited Load More