Alumni Tee for New Graduates (2018)

As your big day of graduation is approaching, our Development and Alumni Office is pleased to give you a HKUST tee for FREE. We hope it will become one of the testaments to your fruitful university life when you open a new chapter in life.

The tees are generously donated by our enthusiastic alumni brothers Terry and Terence Tsang, whose startup is at the forefront of the tech industry. Nowadays many established tech companies have their own tees. He hopes to take this opportunity to congratulate our Class of 2018 as well as encouraging you to carry the HKUST spirit forward upon graduation.

To Order

Thank you very much for your participation on Alumni Tee for New Graduates, our registration is now closed. For those who have registered, your tee will be available for pick up on Congregation Day. We will also be sending you a confirmation email by late September 2018 to inform you for any additional redemption dates.


If you have missed the registration deadline, we will have limited amount of tees for you to pick up on Congregation Day on a first-come-first-serve basis at the Alumni Booth.


If you have any questions, please email