Gloria Mak
Senior News Anchor/ Reporter, TV Host
Television Broadcast Limited


Gloria Mak is an HKUST alumna who graduated in 2014 with a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management. After graduating, she worked for a short period of time at LVMH, a global luxury conglomerate home to some of the world's biggest names such as Christian Dior, Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, and many more.

In a turn of events, she pivoted into the world of media and broadcasting, joining the ranks of Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB). TVB is a household name in Hong Kong, with a history of producing some of the city's most prolific television series and documentaries.

On her shift in career path, Gloria reflected on how she dove head-first into a news anchor role after an illustrious start at the luxury conglomerate. With a love for new challenges, she didn't look back and took the opportunity. Without a doubt, leaving her comfort zone was difficult but she has no regrets in taking the leap.

With over 6 years of experience as a News Anchor and Reporter at TVB, Gloria knows staying on the pulse is a prerequisite to being successful at the job. It is a reporter's responsibility to stay on top of what is happening around the world. During her initial time at TVB, she found it a challenge to catch up. She remembers her first night of anchoring vividly. Because she was inexperienced at the time, she was horrified of being in front of hundreds of thousands of audiences, and stuttered through her first broadcast. Throughout the years, Gloria has hosted various programs touching upon subjects such as finance, Hong Kong heritage, and English learning. She finds these experiences fruitful, as they help her broaden her mind to learn more about the world around her.

HKUST has contributed immensely to Gloria's personal development and growth. The BBA program she took has opened up the doors of opportunity, enabling her to connect with new friends and acquaintances that will benefit her for a lifetime. The exchange programs also broadened her mind, bringing her new cultural experiences in South Korea for exchange, and the Disney Internship program in Florida.

Gloria encourages students of today to explore and see more of the world while you are young. Be open and try new things—you'll eventually find a good fit.

Gloria's journey to her passion in media and broadcasting is a lighthouse of inspiration for alumni of the past, present and future.

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