Morgan Yang
Vice President
Civil & Infrastructure, Greater China AECOM

Morgan has many mega projects under his belt including the Chongming Yangtze River Tunnel (the world's largest tunnel-boring machine tunnel then), the Sutong Bridge (the longest cable-stayed bridge) and Shenzhen Metro Line 6 project (the first TOD comprehensive rail property development study in China). He is currently Vice President, Civil & Infrastructure, Greater China, of AECOM, a Fortune 500 company that designs, constructs, funds and operates infrastructure around the world. AECOM employs approximately 100,000 employees in 150 countries globally.

In 2012, Morgan was the first recipient of the Outstanding Alumni Award established by the HKUST Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to recognize the professional achievements of the department's alumni. He has published over 60 technical papers in journals and proceedings, and is an editor of "Tunnel Construction" and "Bridge", technical journals in China. He also serves as External Academic Advisor (EAA) for the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong.

In 2007, Morgan became a fellow of IOM3, the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.

Morgan remains closely connected to his alma mater after graduation, and has served for many years in the HKUST Civil and Environmental Engineering Postgraduates and Scholars Alumni Association.

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