Guangzhou Alumni Chapter

The mission of the Guangzhou Chapter is to connect HKUST alumni in Guangzhou, create a platform to share expertise and experience, and promote the reputation of the alma master. At the same time, it strives to strengthen communication with other alumni organizations in the Pearl River Delta and other parts of the world.

Established in 2021, the Guangzhou Chapter has gradually developed as one of the most vigorous local alumni associations of HKUST. Since its establishment, the Guangzhou Chapter successfully organized various activities, including jazz concerts, Christmas parties, hikings and outstanding Alumni sharing series seminars, etc.


HKUST Alumni Association Guangzhou Chapter


Member of Executive Committee (2023-2025)Name
PresidentYeung Teng 
Vice PresidentDu Dijia
Vice PresidentLiang Lu
Vice PresidentLuo Xin
Vice PresidentZhang Hao
Vice PresidentZhang Jiaming 
Exco-Member Feng Qi
Exco-Member Fu Chengzhe
Exco-Member Huang Yuchen 
Exco-Member Huo Kaiyang
Exco-Member Li Jiarong
Exco-Member Shen Zhong
Exco-Member Sheng Zhonghua
Exco-Member Wang Weike


For more information, please follow the Guangzhou Chapter on WeChat: HKUSTersGZ. To join their wechat group, please contact HKUST alumni office at
