MBA Alumni Association Guangdong Chapter

MBAAA Guangdong Chapter

Launched in 2002, the HKUST Shenzhen MBA Program now has more than 580 alumni and students living and studying in Guangdong, and this number keeps growing. Most of them reside in Shenzhen while others in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Hong Kong, and other cities nearby. In October 2007, the HKUST MBA Alumni Association Guangdong Chapter (MBAAA GD Chapter) was officially established in Shenzhen, with its committee members representing current students and graduates from different graduation years.

The formation of the local chapter is a milestone in strengthening closer ties between different intakes, helping graduates keep in touch with each other and fostering a strong sense of belonging. It also tightens the connection with the University and the Business School, as well as with the alumni in different locations and cohorts.

With the support of the MBA Shenzhen Office, the MBAAA GD Chapter develops and organizes a variety of activities in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Hong Kong. These include reunions, continuous learning workshops, seminars and family gatherings. Such events foster the cohesion between different intakes and facilitate networking opportunities among the HKUST MBA community.

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