Samson Yu
Managing Partner
Kangxin Partners, P.C.

Samson has a strong background and extensive experience in Intellectual Property (IP) law, and is recognized as a leading expert in the IP industry. He practices all aspects of IP law with a specialization in patent and trademark prosecution, due diligence, and client counseling. He has many successful IP disputes under his belt, and currently holds the position of Managing Partner of Kangxin Partners, P.C., a prominent IP law firm in China with offices in the mainland, USA and Japan. The majority of Samson's clients are international Fortune 500 companies.

Samson began his career as a patent attorney with the CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office, eventually serving as the Deputy Director of its German office. Later, he joined a US IP firm in Silicon Valley where he worked as an assistant, a secretary and then a patent attorney, an experience which enabled him to become adept at nearly all aspects of running a firm. Armed with this impressive set of management skills, Samson was able to help Kangxin become a top player in the IP field in China.

Outside of his achievements in the legal sector, Samson is also an internationally renowned guest lecturer, advisor, and published author in IP law, as well as a frequent speaker at international conferences and universities. He was named an Asia Leading Lawyer by Asia Law & Practice five times since 2006, and twice nominated as a Band 1 Leading Individual in the Chinese IP field by Chambers and Partners. In recognition of his contributions in raising IP rights awareness in China, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor in 2008 and 2010 respectively by the All China Patent Attorneys Association (ACPAA) and the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO). He was also nominated as one of the National Intellectual Property Experts in 2012 by SIPO.

A strong supporter of his alma mater, Samson has donated HKD $2 million to the Alumni Endowment Fund and has a classroom in the Lee Shau Kee Business Building named after his company, Kangxin Partners P.C. "I learned so much from my course and have built up great and lasting friendships with my classmates. I hope that more alumni are inspired to give back in the future," he says.

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