HKUST United Membership
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About the Membership

In light of the global economic downturn, HKUST United Program launched in 2020 to leverage our alumni netowrk for the benefit of students, fresh graduates, and our alumni. Participants can connect with alumni who can offer everything from career advice to startup support, and even internship and job opportunities.

HKUST United Program has received tremendous response since its launch, the sign of a strong, enthusiastic alumni community giving their ongoing support to the University, its students and graduates. Not only have our alumni continuously shone in diverse fields, but they have also defined the success of their alma mater, which has become a world-class university in just three decades.

HKUST United Membership was established to acknowledge and bring together our alumni who have made contributions, whether monetary or non-monetary, to the University and provide a holistic learning environment for students.

Support us now! If you have any questions about the HKUST United Membership, please contact the Development and Alumni Office:

Tel: (852)2358 6158


If you have any questions about the HKUST United Membership, please contact the Development and Alumni Office:



Tel: (852)2358 6158

Our membership structure

Alumni donors who have made accumulative donations of HK$20,000 or above and those who have made non-monetary contributions will automatically become our President Circle, Honorary Patron, Senior Patron, Alumni Patron or Alumni Member. They will be entitled to unique benefits and exclusive invitations to University events. Student ambassadors and participants of designated alumni programs will be recognized as Student Members. 

President CircleCumulative donation(s) of HK$1,000,000 or above
Honorary PatronCumulative donation(s) of HK$500,000 or above
Senior PatronCumulative donation(s) HK$100,000 or above
Alumni PatronCumulative donation(s) of HK$20,000 or above
Alumni MemberAll who have made non-monetary contributions since 2020
Student MemberStudent ambassadors or participants of designated alumni programs since 2020

The above Patrons and Members will be acknowledged in communication channels including publications and website of the Development and Alumni Office.

How to Become Members

President Circle and Patrons  

Donate to the Alumni Endowment Fund (AEF), our first-ever endowment fund receiving donations mainly from alumni. With its principle maintained in perpetuity and only income from investments used, AEF provides a reliable and continuous source of funding supporting initiatives to enrich student university life and make a lifelong impact. Since its creation in 2012, AEF has grown significantly and has been benefitting many students. 

Please click here for more details about making donations to HKUST.

Alumni and Student Members

Alumni who have shown their support voluntarily to the University through alumni initiatives will be eligible as an alumni member. These include HKUST United, Alumni Anchors, Full Circle, Alumni Profiles, Alumni News Magazine, Alumni App Offers, Relocation Program, Co-op Program, Alumni Reunion Volunteers, Alumni Group Committees and more.

Students who have participated in our alumni programs or served as a student ambassadors can become student members.

We look forward to having you in our member list very soon!


List of HKUST United Members

Please click here for the list of Members who have been showing their continued support to us.